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Voters Support Common Sense A.I. Policy

Rainey Center conducted survey research to help understand how voters feel about artificial intelligence and what, if any, regulatory approach they would support. We find that voters have deep concerns about a number of aspects of artificial intelligence developments and support an active public sector approach to regulation, rather than embracing a hands off approach.


The Daily Beast - Opinion - Supreme Court Just Dropped a Big L on Partisan Gerrymandering

Surprise! The conservative leaning Court squashed "independent state legislature theory," saying state courts have the authority to rule on election shenanigans. But by a vote of six to three, the Court categorically rejected the so-called independent state legislature (ISL) theory, the argument at the center of these dire predictions. America’s experiment in self-government lives another day.


Electoral Reform Is a Good Idea. Mandatory Voting Is Not.

There are good reasons to be thinking outside the box when it comes to elections. There is a rising tide of bipartisan agreement on the need for reforms to strengthen democracy and reduce the runaway spiral of polarization. Options such as ranked choice voting, nonpartisan primaries, and multi-member districts are all worth considering.