LAMP Courses

Policy resource and video lecture series designed to provide limited-government, pro-innovation and pro-growth state and local policymakers access to fact-based issue briefs and thought leadership materials.

Clean Tech

This course provides an overview of some of the latest technologies and limited-government policy ideas in clean energy innovation. It is a Clean Tech 101 for elected officials, civil servants, and other policymakers who are passionate about addressing climate change through free-market approaches. Government efforts to enable market forces is the way to best develop and scale green technologies faster, thereby reducing American and global emissions faster while bolstering American innovation and reducing foreign dependence. This course is designed to help limited-government, market-oriented state and local policymakers formulate better policies, as well as provide a resource for other interested energy and climate leaders to this preferred approach.

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So You Want to Run for Congress?

This course provides an overview of how to prepare for a U.S. House race, explore this opportunity for public service, launch a campaign, fundraise effectively, and consider different potential policy issues. It is of the utmost importance that as many people of goodwill as possible consider if seeking public office is right for them, and that if they do so, that they be well-informed of what is involved. This course is designed to help limited-government, market-oriented individuals run better campaigns if they choose to run for office, as well as provide a resource for anyone interested in learning about what it takes to run for Congress.

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Social Media and Technology Policy

This course provides an overview on the role of social media in campaigns and what newly elected legislators should consider when contending with complex issues pertaining to technology policy.

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Operational Security for Campaigns, Candidates, and Elected Officials

This course provides an overview on how to have effective operational security when running a campaign and once elected to office.

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The Election Process

This course is designed to help limited-government, market-oriented individuals be better prepared and aware of the details regarding the electoral process.

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